Teaching even in summer, from Naples to Athens, the luminaries of Artificial Intelligence, for the European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI).

A foreseen success was the intervention of Prof. Aniello Murano, Full Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies of the University of Naples Federico II, Director of the ASTREA Laboratory, honored with the prestigious EurAI Fellow and AAIA Fellow recognitions.

Prof. Murano said yes to ESSAI, the main school of Artificial Intelligence in Europe and flew to Athens to illustrate the results of his latest research to a selected audience. The theme of his intervention concerned the formal aspects of strategic reasoning and game theory. His research is of particular interest to the scientific community. Prof. Murano has woven several collaborations in Europe and around the world, disseminating research. In Athens, his intervention sees him engaged with his French colleague Laurent Perrussell and with Dr. Munyque Mittelmann, post-doc at the Astrea Laboratory.

“I am honored to participate in ESSAI and – said Aniello Murano – to represent the University of Naples Federico II, I strongly believe in the value of research and synergies. There are many collaborations that my colleagues and I promote to interact with the scientific community around the world and the results have exceeded expectations.” The next challenge for Prof. Murano will be to organize ECAI 2025 in Bologna next year, the 28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

In the meantime, internationally renowned researchers are meeting in Athens, the homeland of logical thinking.

The European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI), which involves the world’s leading experts, will last until next July 26 and is organized every year by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), founded to promote the study, research, and application of Artificial Intelligence in Europe, together with the Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI), in collaboration with the 4th TAILOR Summer School on Artificial Intelligence.

ESSAI 2024 offers courses covering all areas of Artificial Intelligence in two weeks. Each course consists of 5 lessons of 90 minutes each. The local organization of ESSAI & ACAI 2024 is led by the Artificial Intelligence Team of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in collaboration with the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society.

ESSAI and ACAI 2024 continue a tradition started by ACAI in 1985. Last year, ESSAI and ACAI took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was an immensely successful event that attracted more than 500 students and the one in Athens is expected to far exceed expectations.

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