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Habytat, a social metaverse platform powered by DatChat, announced today that it is launching pets for users, powered by proprietary AI. These animals — dogs and cats alike — will bond with their users as the AI responds to and learns from the user’s actions. At the moment, users can vote on which animal breeds will be part of the initial launch in spring 2023.

These pets will grow from puppy or kitten life stages to adulthood. To grow, pets must receive food and attention daily. Users can buy their pets toys and amenities, and teach them basic commands such as “sit” and “fetch.” The description sounds similar to old-school digital pets such as Tamagotchi.

Gianfranco Lopane, president of Habytat, said in a statement, “We want Habytat to be easy to use, accessible, but most importantly, fun. The launch of AI-powered metaverse pets brings a new level of interactivity for aspiring pet owners and animal lovers alike. These pets will bond with their owners, play with them, and will have needs just as real pets do – bringing the nostalgia of the Tamagotchi and Neopets era to 2023.”

According to Habytat, it plans to add a wider variety of pets. This includes adding more dog and cat breeds and launching exotic animals such as giraffes, tigers, lions and monkeys in the future. Initially, Habytat will launch with four dog breeds and two cat breeds selected by the voters.

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